A year ago on 2nd of March I started my Bhaav yatra. The day is significant as it is my grandmother’s death anniversary. In a year’s time so much has undergone transformation, each experience brought understanding and the path to awaken.
I had carried the ashes of John’s son (JT) and was offering it in all holy rivers and oceans I visited on my way. Every time I did that I connected with the ultimate truth of death, at the same time deep down felt blessed by JT who traveled with me everywhere. It also made me conscious about my own life span and how can I be and offer myself in totality to serve.
After coming back I was asking what is it the outcome? To start with one self there was a list of what was received but some self doubt on anything being shared. Suddenly, felt the moral pressure of “doing something” or “connecting everyone so something happens” may be my ego was looking for gratification. As this reality of ego play seeped in I focused more on policing the ego by silent observation. When this was happening inside in the outer world ripples were happening and slowly the power of love pervaded.
A school at Vizianagaram on the east coast of India started experimenting with Smile decks. Mukeshanand ji visited Preethi – www.soulfree.org and one more connection is now leading her to give boost to her work. A few days ago received a call from these two small villages (population 1000 ppl) that after our recent visit the women in the village have formed a committee and opened bank accounts to start a cottage industry! They are going to launch the program on 8th March, on “International Women’s day”.
We often talk about leading with inner transformation. Starting with People then flowing into Projects and later Impact. I am experiencing this exactly after a year. The beauty of this is there’s a sense of being a channel rather than of owning the experience. This subtle reality surfaced after last Wednesday’s reading about Karna’s giving and realizing a conversation I had with my teacher about ‘giving” where she pointed out that we own nothing and if we just operate as channels giving and receiving both will flow.
All of this simply makes me conscious of my span of life as a channel and how can it be an offer to serve. The ripples are in flow – it is up to me to connect the dots and keep them going.